
Nithan Caravan Puppet Troupe Project


Nithan Caravan Puppet Troupe Project


This project begin in 1985. In 1983, The Ohanashi Caravan Puppet Shows from Japan came to show to over 1,000 children in the communities. It found that, the children were very interested. It was simple shows, fun story telling with puppetry and included information and morals. After that, the foundation had sent some staff to study puppetry and story telling with this group in Japan for a while. After returning, the puppet shows project for education was started In the names “Nithan Caravan Puppet Troupe Project.


To create knowledge and promote the positive behavior for children through the media of puppet theater and apron stories, emphasize to promote on morality, ethics, society, nature   and the environment.


1.     To strengthen the values on positive behaviors for children through the stories

2.     To increase skills in producing story media for teachers, child care takers, and children

3.     To increase the school networks, exchange knowledge and bring the local wisdom to create the scripts.

Working areas: Bangkok, suburbs and other provinces.

Target groups: Children and youths

Activities on Development:

1.     Show the puppets, apron puppets to young children and primary students

2.     To organize the training on media production to teachers, child care takers and children

3.     Train the skills of storytelling and puppetry for teachers, child care takers and children




Networks: Puppet Show Groups in 4 regions

1. Northern regions – Chiang Mai province        

2. Central region – Phetchaburi Province

3. Northeathern region -Surin Province         

4. Southern region – Songkhla Province

Statistics: The puppet shows perform 50 times per year with approximately 13,000 people

*Note: Training on media production depends on the budget we received

The needs for the project:

·        Budget for shows to children

·        Budget for the training to the teachers and teachers’ assistances to produce the media (puppets and apron puppets) and skills of perform and story-telling

The person in charge of the project: Mrs. Sawaeng Nuthip



Date : 18/05/2023




Posted by : Admin.DPF  | 28 JUN 2567  | Views : 35