Vision: "A leading organization for children and underprivileged people" Mission: 1. To create equal rights and opportunities for children and the underprivileged. 2. To support the development of children and the underprivileged. 3. To rehabilitate poor children and youths with problems. 4. To encourage and strengthen safety within the community. 5. To promote and give support to the elimination of drugs in the community. ในชุมชน

About Us

Welcome to Duang Prateep Foundation

A non-profit charitable organization established on August 31, 1978.

Vision: "A leading organization for children and underprivileged people" Mission: 1. To create equal rights and opportunities for children and the underprivileged. 2. To support the development of children and the underprivileged. 3. To rehabilitate poor children and youths with problems. 4. To encourage and strengthen safety within the community. 5. To promote and give support to the elimination of drugs in the community.







Public Relations


Preparing for Change

the Duang Prateep Foundation and Community Organizations Development Institute (CODI)

Posted by dpf.eng 13 FEB 2568 Views : 7
Growing with Dutch Support

On February 11-12, we were pleased to welcome Mr. Jan-Willem Paijens to the New Life Project in Chumporn.

Posted by dpf.eng 13 FEB 2568 Views : 3
American Guests

On January 29 we were pleased to welcome eight staff members from the Community Liaison Office and the US Embassy On January 29 we were pleased to welcome eight staff members from the Community Liaison Offic

Posted by dpf.eng 31 JAN 2568 Views : 7
All News

Duang Prateep Foundation

We have uploaded many videos of the Foundation's activities. You can choose to watch both on Youtube and on the website.

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People’s Party Consults the People

With the Port Authority of Thailand planning to develop the Klong Toey

Posted by dpf.eng 23 JAN 2568 Views : 40
Chinese Intercultural Day

70 Chinese university students from Humanitarian Affairs Asia Group, led by Ms. Janice Leong, came to conduct cultural activities with our children to celebrate the Chinese New Year

Posted by dpf.eng 21 JAN 2568 Views : 38
Fun Time for Kids and Seniors

Thank you to Mr. Kazuki Yano and the Kawahara and Fujikawa families, who came to the DPF on 20 June to entertain our kindergarten students and senior citizen club members with mime shows, musical recitals, sing

Posted by Admin_M 20 JUN 2567 Views : 378

Journal Papers

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Prateep Ungsongtham Hata Award
The Prateep Ungsongtham Hata Awards were made under the Stock Exchange of Thailand Foundation’s philanthropic awards,

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