
Senior Citizen Project


 Senior Citizen Project                                

            From the fact that their children have to go to work from morning until night, some families have to go out to work in remote areas for long periods of time, only to return or not come back at all.

to return or notcome back and  come back at all. These problems make many elderly people to face living alone, did not meet and talk to anyone. There is no activities in promoting physical and mental health in order to build morale, encouragement and gathering in groups. This project starts in 1992.

Promote health, build morale for the elderly and promote good cultural traditions that value the elderly.

To promote physical and mental health care for the elderly.
To promote group activities together. of the elderly
To promote traditional and cultural activities
To build morale and encouragement for the elderly

Work area: Klong Toey Slum Communities

Target groups: 300 members, 60 years and up


1.      Chanting, meditation

2.      Traditional activity (Songkran)

3.      Home visiting

4.      Assistance on cremation

Promote the physical health cares:

1.      Promote indoor exercise such as folk dance, swing arms

2.      Promote planting vegetables at houses such as mushroom, etc.


1.      70% of the elderly are in good health

2.      80% 0f the elderly participate in activities regularly

3.      80% of the elderly are women

Requirements for the project:
      1. “Fund for the Elderly” (500 baht/person/month)

3.      Host a meal to the elder citizen (50 Baht/person)

4.      Equipment for the disables such as canes, wheelchairs, adult diapers, etc.

Person in charge: Mrs. Sophon Dalad



Date : 18/05/2023

Posted by : Admin.DPF  | 27 JUN 2567  | Views : 24