
Fifth Year of KPMG Scholarships

On May 2, CEO Mr. Charoen Phosamritlert and KPMG (Thailand) Ltd. staff visited the Duang Prateep Foundation to present new scholarships to 136 of our students, from kindergarten to university level. This the fifth year for scholarship support for poor students from the company, which is part of their CSR program to take an active and positive social role in the society around them.
The scholarship ceremony opened with two welcoming performances, and was followed by a video interviewing four graduated students. Two scholarship recipients, representing all 136 students, thanked KMPG for its understanding of the situation and its generous support. We look forward to a long-term collaboration with this forward-looking, socially responsible company. (2 May 2024)

Posted by : Admin_M  | 02 MAY 2567  | Views : 32