
Annual Scholarships Presentation 2024

On May 9, the DPF organized its annual scholarship presentation ceremony for poor children. Ms. Benja Intarawongchote (Director of Klong Toey District Office) honored proceedings acting as ceremony chairperson. The event opened with a traditional dance performance, and was followed by a video on fourteen already graduated students. DPF chair, Prof. Sant Hathirat, then welcomed attendees, and Khru Prateep informed the gathering of the results of our Educational Sponsorship Program in the previous year.
Scholarships were presented to students from primary to university level. Also, 104 outstanding students received awards in various categories, such as good academic grades (80 students); showing gratitude to parents or guardians (10 students) and 4 graduated from university. A scholarship student who succeeded in his study, shared his experience about the importance of these scholarships, and expressed his appreciation to all sponsors. An informal get-together between the children and their sponsors was organized at the end of proceedings. Thank you to Mr. Robert Wilson (Robert Bruce Wilson Fund), Mr. Shoji Ono, all supporters, school representatives, local organizations and community leaders who attended

Posted by : Admin_M  | 09 MAY 2567  | Views : 31