
Donation in Memory of Mum

On June 6, four members of the Gambir family, from the Euro Real Estate (Thailand) Company Ltd., made a generous donation to the DPF Kindergarten in memory of their beloved mother, Mrs. Palchai Gambir, who sadly passed away two years ago. During a personal visit to the DPF, they presented three air-conditioners for the classrooms to protect the little students from the current oppressive heat as well as PM 2.5 dust pollution.
The children entertained our donors with dance and song to say thank you, after which an inspection of the classes in operation was conducted.
Earlier, Khru Prateep introduced them to our senior citizens group at their weekly get-together, where a small ceremony was conducted to honor Mrs. Palchai’s memory, and snacks were distributed to the seniors.
Thank you also to Mr. Robert Wilson who recommended the DPF to the family.

Posted by : Admin_M  | 06 JUN 2567  | Views : 31