
American Soft Diplomacy #1

On 14 June, we reluctantly bade farewell to Ms. Cynthia Lu, a student from Georgetown University, USA, who has been volunteering with us for the last month. Khun Cynthia was a great help during her stint, involving herself in a whole range of activities, like teaching basic English language to our kindergarten students, joining our staff in puppet shows around local schools, and helping run the big sports day at the Chumchonmoobaan Pattana School. At all times, she carried out her duties in a professional and responsible manner, while in return she received experiences that enabled her to touch the real life of the poor children of Klong Toey. We greatly appreciated Cynthia’s excellent work and wish her success in her future studies.

Posted by : Admin_M  | 14 JUN 2567  | Views : 31