
Care-Givers’ Fifth Edition

The 5th training course of the Care-Givers for the Elderly Project launched on 18 June, presided over by Kanchanaburi Governor, Mr. Wutthipong Supakwanich. Sixteen students are undertaking the course conducted by six expert Japanese trainers. They comprise high school students from Kanchanaburi province, university students from Thaksin University, Rangsit University and Chiang Mai Rajabhat University.
The “Care-Givers for the Elderly Project” began in 2020, and 29 Thai youths have already successfully completed training and gone on to work in elderly retirement centers in Japan. Most of these come from poor families, so they are proud that can now support themselves and their families with the good incomes they earn.

Posted by : Admin_M  | 18 JUN 2567  | Views : 31